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ARIES for PEOPLE-EA Explorer

The ARIES for PEOPLE_EA Explorer is a web-based application built on the k.LAB Integrated Modelling Platform. The application has access to all information (data and models) available on the Integrated Modelling network, and provides a dedicated user interface to allow the pilot countries to easily access and test the output of the PEOPLE-EA project, funded by the European Space Agency, and developed by the ARIES team (BC3) in collaboration with the VITO team and using the OpenEO (Open Earth Observations) platform.

Table of Contents

How to access the application

List of contents of the guide
1. How to access ARIES for PEOPLE-EA via a web-browser

Once registered, following the instruction in the page above, use this link:

Spatial and temporal context of the analysis

At the top of the menu on the left side of the screen, you can specify the geographic area and temporal and spatial scale.


At the top of the panel, there a drop-down menu provides three options to select an analysis context by zooming and panning on the map. When the "administrative regions" or "river basin" option is chosen, the currently highlighted context will be outlined in light blue.
  • Map boundaries: Select an area of interest by panning and zooming in/out. The entire area visible on the screen becomes your analysis context.
  • Administrative regions: This option automatically identifies the largest administrative entity (e.g., Country or Subnational Unit) in the area selected, according to the M49 standard endorsed by the UN. By zooming in, the user can choose a smaller administrative region. We recommend this option for novice users, as it offers a simple way to identify standard administrative boundaries for ecosystem accounting.
  • River basin: This option selects an area of land draining to a specific water body based on FAO Hydrological Basins (simplified).
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  • Alternatively, the user can also directly type the name of a geographical context (i.e., country, region, city, or other geographic entity) in the ARIES for PEOPLE Search bar, starting with a capital letter. 
    These names are queried from the OpenStreetMap (OSM) database. Users should be aware that OSM boundaries may differ slightly from those selected using the "Administrative regions" option of the drop-down menu (i.e. a context selected with this option include the country's territorial waters)
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  • Countries are warmly invited to provide their official boundaries in case the default options currently integrated in ARIES to identify geographical boundaries don not meet the expected NSO's specification.
  • Spatial resolution

    The user can select the spatial resolution for analysis, and choose between meters or kilometers.
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    In case the resolution set is higher than the available input data, ARIES will compile accounts at the selected resolution, but based on the finest grained available data.


    Select the year(s) for your analysis. If data are missing for a specific year of interest, nad the option of temporal mediation is enabled, ARIES automatically fills the gap using the closest available year's data.
    By default, the context is set to compute results for 2018, which corresponds to the latest year the Corine land cover dataset, this being one of the most important input of the output produced in the application. The user cna observe result for a single year, or for a longer period of time:  I. Single-year analysis (the box in this section is unchecked) and select the year of interest
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    II. Multi-year analysis - to show change over a longer period of time check the box and select the first and last year of the period to analyze.
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    The red "X" button on the upper right can be used to reset a previously selected context, or to stop a computation in progress (all computed results will be lost).
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    Forest ecosystem condition accounts

    The Ecosystem Conditions accounts are composed of 3 main outputs:

    • Variable (descriptor) = the original ecological measurement (raw variable) used to study a certain aspect of condition;
    • Indicator = the rescaled ecological measurement (raw variable) to allow a consistent representation of the dimensions of the conditions captured in the variable. Reference values are used to determine good and bad values for a particular variable in the same type of forest (aka forest with similar characteristics), for the sake of comparing those results against other dimensions of condition in the same type of forest, or against results for the same variable in a different area.
    • Index = the composite weighted average of a set of indicators, whose goal is to combine different information from several variables into a unique figure, representative of the overall condition of that type of forest in the area under analysis. 

    Break-down (categorization) of the results by European Forest

    In this analysis, being forests the main objective of this study, the conditions of forests are disaggregated into the classes of forests obtained combininig the information described in this chapter of the guide.

    Forest types

    European forests have been initially categorized based on their landcover forest class, as per the Corine dataset, which distinguishes 4 types of forest:

    1. Broad-leave forest (311) -
    2. Coniferous forest (312) -
    3. Mixed forest (313) -
    4. Transitional woodland & shrub (324) -

    Bioregion zones

    Such categories of forest were also combined with the information on the European bioregion zones, used to define 11 bioregions over:

    1. Alpine,
    2. Arctic,
    3. Atlantic,
    4. Black Sea,
    5. Boreal,
    6. Continental,
    7. Macaronesian,
    8. Mediterranean,
    9. Pannonian,
    10. Steppic regions
    11. Alpine (Scandinavia)
    The Scandinavian Alpine zone was differentiate from the rest of the Alpine bioregion for its characteristics, and covers the forest in the Scandinavian mountains on the border between Norway and Sweden.
    The combination of landcover forests and bioregions results in 44 forest types, following the definition of Maes, J., Bruzón, A.G., Barredo, J.I. et al. Accounting for forest condition in Europe based on an international statistical standard. Nat Commun 14, 3723 (2023).-

    The following datsets were used to obtain this information:

  • Forest landcovers from Corine year 2000 (vector/, and
  • Corine accounting adjusted year 2000 (raster/;
  • European bioregion zones (

    Forest ecosystem condition variables

    The table below summarizes all the ecosystem condition metrics considered in the development of the Forest Conditions Accounts

    The full list is still under development

    Ecosystem Typology GroupEcosystem Typology ClassTypology class descriptionVariableVariable description and link to dataset or DOI Spatial ResolutionSpatial ExtentTemporal resolution/ coverage 

    A. Abiotic ecosystem characteristics

    A.1 Physical state

    Physical descriptors of the abiotic components of the ecosystem (e.g. Soil structure, impervious surface, water availability)

    A1.1 Normalized Difference Water Index

    GEE Landsat 8 Collection 1 Tier 1 32-Day NDWI Composite

    These Landsat 8 Collection 1 Tier 1 composites are made from Tier 1 orthorectified scenes, using the computed top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance. See Chander et al. (2009) for details on the TOA computation.
    The Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) is sensitive to changes in liquid water content of vegetation canopies. It is derived from the Near-IR band and a second IR band, ≈1.24μm when available and the nearest available IR band otherwise. It ranges in value from -1.0 to 1.0. See Gao (1996) for details.
    These composites are created from all the scenes in each 32-day period beginning from the first day of the year and continuing to the 352nd day of the year. The last composite of the year, beginning on day 353, will overlap the first composite of the following year by 20 days. All the images from each 32-day period are included in the composite, with the most recent pixel as the composite value.

    A.2 Chemical state

    Chemical composition of the abiotic ecosystem compartments (e.g. Soil nutrient concentration, air and water quality)

    A2.1 Soil Organic Carbon

    2003 OCTOP: Topsoil Organic Carbon Content for Europe - Organic carbon content in the first 30 cm of soil


    2014 LUCAS: Topsoil Soil Organic Carbon (LUCAS) for EU25 - Organic carbon content in the first 30 cm of soil


    B. Biotic ecosystem characteristics

    B.1 Compositional state

    Composition/diversity of the ecological communities at a given location and time (e.g. Presence/abundance of key species, species richness, genetic diversity, presence of threatened species, diversity/abundance of relevant species groups)

    B1.1 Threatened Forest Bird Species diversity
    Population trend of bird species: datasets from Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC reporting (2008-2012)5km?Europe2000 and 2008
    B.2 Structural state

    Aggregate properties (e.g. mass, density) of the whole ecosystem or its main biotic components (e.g. Total biomass, canopy coverage, annual maximum NDVI, Vegetation density, habitat structure, food chain and trophic levels)

    B2.1 Above-ground biomass
    ESA’s Climate Change Initiative Biomass

    ESA’s Climate Change Initiative Biomass project provides global maps of above-ground biomass (Mg ha-1), with these being capable of supporting quantification of biomass change.

    100mGlobal2010, 2017-2020
    B2.2 Leaf Area Index
    Copernicus leaf area index

    The LAI quantifies the thickness of the vegetation cover and it's recognized as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS).

    300mGlobal2014 to present1kmGlobal1999 to present
    B2.3 Tree cover density
    Copernicus HRL tree cover density layer
    It offers high-resolution information on the percentage of tree cover in a given area100mEurope2012, 2015, 2018
    B.3 Functional state

    Summary statistics (e.g. frequency, intensity) of the biological, chemical, and physical interactions between the main ecosystem compartments (e.g. Primary productivity, community age, distribution frequency, decomposition processes)

    B3.1 Net Primary Production

    Dry Matter Productivity and Net Primary Production

    The ecosystem Net Primary Production (NPP) represents the net growth rate of the vegetation(excluding autotrophic respiration), expressed in kilograms of production per hectare per day (gC/m²/day). It is a proportion of Gross Primary Production and it's directly related to ecosystem Dry Matter Productivity, expressed in kgNPP/ha/day.

    300mGlobal2014 to 20201kmGlobal1999 to 2020
    B3.2 Fraction of Photosynthetically active radiation

    The FPAR (Fraction of Photosynthetically active radiation) quantifies the fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by live leaves for the photosynthesis activity. Then, it refers only to the green and alive elements of the canopy. The FAPAR depends on the canopy structure, vegetation element optical properties, atmospheric conditions, and angular configuration. To overcome this latter dependency, a daily integrated FAPAR value is assessed. 

    B3.3 Burned severity

    MOSEV: A global burn severity database from MODIS (2000-2020)

    MOSEV data

    Global Patterns and Dynamics of Burned Area and Burn Severity (developed from MOSEV data)
    The variable is a result of the reprocessing of the relativized version of the Normalized Burn Ratio (RdNBR) spectral index. The 8-daily values of the original dataset, RdNBR, were converted into a burn severity category (non-burnt, low, moderate-low, moderate-high, high) and annualized by selecting the most represented category over the period observed.500mglobalAnnual
    B3.4 Drought Severity

    Self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (scPDSI): The scPDSI metric was introduced by Wells et al. (2004), who gave detailed information about its calculation. The scPDSI is a variant of the original PDSI of Palmer (1965), with the aim to make results from different climate regimes more comparable. As with the PDSI, the scPDSI is calculated from a time series of precipitation and temperature, together with fixed parameters related to the soil/surface characteristics at each location.
    0,5 degreeGlobalAnnual / 1998 to 2018 
    B3.4 Drought Severity (2nd variable - alternative)

    Combined drought indicator (v3) - A combination of spatial patterns of precipitation, soil moisture, and greenness vegetation anomalies, the CDI identifies areas at risk of agricultural drought. 

    dataset viewer

    dataset download. 2012 - 2023


    5 km Europe10 day observations
    B3.5 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

    The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is an indicator of the greenness of the biomes.

    300mGlobal3 day observations
    2020 to present
    1kmGlobal3 day observations
    1998  to 2020

    B3.6 Green index

    Might be added later in the project---

    B3.7 Fire occurrence

    Might be added later in the project---

    C. Landscape level characteristics

    C.1 Landscape and seascape at coarse scale

    Metrics describing mosaics of ecosystem types at coarse (such as landscape and seascape) spatial scale (e.g. Landscape diversity, connectivity, fragmentation, ecosystem type mosaics)

    C1.1 Forest Connectivity

    Generated using GUIDOS toolbox and Corine landcover daatset - Methodology

    100mEurope2000, 2006, 2012, 2018
    C1.2 Landscape Naturalness

    Generated using GUIDOS toolbox and Corine landcover daatset - Methodology

    100mEurope2000, 2006, 2012, 2018
    C1.1 Forest Fragmentation

    Relative Magnitude of Fragmentation (RMF)

    Data: netCDF (12.57GB)

    Global remote-sensing data product (i.e. the 27-year annual ESA CCI land cover maps which can be categorized as an EBV ‘Ecosystem Distribution’)

    300mGlobalAnnual 1992-2020

    Forest ecosystem condition indicators

    Each variable is scaled between 0 and 1, with values getting closer to 1 as the forest conditions improve.
    This allows each indicator to represent in a consistent way the information coming from the variables, which in their original values have different ranges but also different interpretation of such values, and not always higher value are associated to better conditions (e.g. if we look at variable like Drought Severity or Forest Fragmentation, the higher the value, the worse the forests conditions). 

    There are currently 10 indicators computed in the the application.
    These are ordered by the their ECT classification:

  • A1.1 Normalized Difference Water Index

  • A2.1 Soil Organic Carbon

  • B1.1 Threatened Forest Bird Species Diversity

  • B2.1 Above-ground Biomass

  • B2.2 Leaf Area Index
  • B2.3 Tree Cover Density

  • B3.1 Net Primary Production

  • B3.5 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

  • C1.1 Forest Connectivity

  • C1.2 Landscape Naturalness
    There are two methodologies adopted to define the Condition Index Accounts, both follows the theoretical framework developed in the scientific publication Maes, J., Bruzón, A.G., Barredo, J.I. et al. Accounting for forest condition in Europe based on an international statistical standard. Nat Commun 14, 3723 (2023), here in after referred to as the Nature Communication method. The differences in their implementation (and their reasons) are fully documented in this guide.

    Reference areas representing healthy forests

    These areas are used to identify forests considered in good health, to define the upper reference values of that variable. Forests considered in good condition (the upper reference areas) must meet the two following criteria:

    • being primary forest, alias forests where the signs of human impacts, if any, are strongly blurred due to decades without forest management or
    • being protected areas (form before the year 2000) and highly tree-covered throughout the time series (areas with a tree-covered density loss equal to or higher than 5% are excluded).

    Such criteria are observed based on the information of the following datasets:

    Results are obtained by combining the following inputs by using, as consistently as possible, the year 2000 as the reference year, except for the information on the Tree-cover density, whose earliest observation is in the year 2012.

    Whenever a forest fails to meet any of the listed criteria, it is not considered an area of reference for good condition

    Primary forest in the PeopleEA approach:

    Primary forests were identified by taking:

    • the polygons of primary forests,
    • the points of primary forests and buffer to 200m radius.

    Primary forests extents match roughly with the Maes et al. figures (Supplementary Table 8)

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    Protected Area in the PeopleEA approach:

    The Protected Areas that have been protected areas from before the year 2000 and which don't exhibit tree-cover loss higher than 5% were considered for this analysis.
    The c
    ategories of protected areas considered were:

    1. Strict nature reserves 1a,
    2. Wilderness or wildlands 1b, and
    3.  National parks 2.

    In the Maes approach, depending on the bioregion analysed, different categories of Protected Areas were selected.
    The selection of the Categories 1a, 1b & 2 was the combination that matched more closely the Maes et al. figures (Supplementary Table 8)

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    Healthy reference areas roughly match, but there are significant differences (>5%) for some European forest categories.
    The deviations by forest type and by bioregion are detailed in the tables above (ATBD and Maes et al. 2023 Supplementary tables).

    Reference values: upper and lower thresholds
    • The upper (healthier conditions) reference threshold was set at the 98th percentile value observed in the reference healthy areas, for each type of forest, for each variable. 
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    • The lower (worse conditions) reference threshold was set at the 2nd percentile value observed in the rest of the forest area
      (Total forest area - healthy reference area).
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    •  The percentile might be inverted in case the healthier conditions correspond to lower values.

    Rescaling of the variables

    The percentile computed define the thresholds used to rescale the observed variables values into indicators ranging from 0 to 1.  

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    Xi = (Xobserved - XLowerReference) / (XUpperReference - XLowerReference)

    Forest ecosystem condition indices

    The Forest Condition Index quantifies forest health by summarizing the information of several indicator accounts, each representing a different aspect of the forest conditions, thus is computed by taking into account the several dimensions represented by each metric (raw variable).
    The indicators composing the index aim to represent comprehensively all the components of ecosystems (abiotic, biotic and landscape). The index is usually composed of a single indicator for each Ecosystem Typology Class (ETC), since the variables belonging to the same ETC are usually highly correlated. The indicators are selected considering their relevance, their direct relationship to forest conditions and the availability of data for their measurement.

    Forest Condition Index in the People EA methodology

    The index built in the People EA project is the result of the weighted average of these indicators:

    • the Net Difference Water Index (NDWI),
    • Soil Organic Carbon (SOC),
    • Threatened forest bird species diversity (TFBSD),
    • Above-Ground Biomass (AGB),
    • Net Primary Production (NPP)
    • and Forest connectivity (FC).

    The weights for indicator accounts are determined according to:

    • their spatial resolution (i.e. the size of the smallest feature detected by a satellite sensor or displayed in a satellite image, usually expressed as a single value measuring the length of one side of a square),
    • temporal resolution (i.e. the total amount of years in a dataset),
    • temporal frequency (i.e. the availability of temporal observations over the same period) and
    • dataset quality (referring to the proximity of the latest year to the present).

    In particular, indicator accounts are ranked according to each of these categories. Larger values of these criteria are associated with a better representation of the ecological conditions and, rank in a higher position. The relative sum of the indicator accounts positions results in their index weight. When data from more than one indicator is considered equal in one particular aspect, each indicator is attributed to the average of the positions they would represent. For example, if three indicator accounts should be ranked 7, they will be assigned 6 since it is the average of the positions these variables represent (5th, 6th and 7th). Ranking and weights attributed to indicator accounts are detailed in the table below:

    The index has been designed to take into account one indicator for each Ecosystem Typology Class.

    ETC class

    Raw Variable

    Spatial resolution
    Temporal resolution
    Temporal frequency
    Dataset quality

    Final Weight 

    1A1Net Difference Water Index5665.522.50.272A2Soil Organic Carbon211260.073B1Threatened Forest Bird Species Diversity13.5318.50.104B2Above-ground Biomass53.53415.50.185B3Net Primary Production3555.518.50.226C1Forest Connectivity5233130.16Total2121212184


    The table ranks each variable considering the aspects in the column headers.

    • Spatial Resolution describes the size of the smallest feature that can be detected by a satellite sensor or displayed in a satellite image. It is usually presented as a single value representing the length of one side of a square,
    • Temporal resolution refers to the total amount of years in the dataset,
    • Temporal frequency considers the availability of temporal observation over the same period. While all variable are annualized, annual averages obtained from highly frequent observation are more accurate and thus considered better input overall.
    • Dataset quality represents the proximity of the first and latest year in the dataset, respectively, to the to reference year (2000) and to the present.
    • When variables are ranked the same in one criterion, they are assigned the average of the positions they would represent. For example, if there are three variables which should be ranked 7, they will be assigned 6 since it is the average of the positions these variables represent (5, 6 and 7).
    Indicators weighted using a weighted arithmetic average (PeopleEA index)

    Overall condition index = 
    (Net Difference Water Index x 0.24) + (Soil Organic Carbon x 0.05) + (Threatened Forest Bird Species Diversity x 0.08)+
    (Above-ground Biomass x 0.15) + (Net Primary Production x 0.19) + (Burned severity x 0.17) + (Forest Connectivity x 0.12)

    Indicators weighted using a weighted geometric average (Euclidean distance)

    The formulation of the resulting Forest Condition Index is the following:
    Forest Condition Index = sqrt(
    (NDWI^2 x 0.27) + (SOC^2 x 0.07) + (TBFSD^2 x 0.10) + (AGB^2 x 0.18) + (NPP^2 x 0.22) + (FC^2 x 0.16) )
    For areas where Soil Organic Carbon is missing, because of dataset coverage, the index is calculated by redistributing the weights:
    Forest Condition Index = sqrt(
    (NDWI^2 x 0.31) + (TBFSD^2 x 0.11) + (AGB^2 x 0.19) + (NPP^2 x 0.24) + (FC^2 x 0.15) )

    Forest Condition Index published in Nature Communications by Maes et al. (2023)   

    The Forest Condition Index quantifies forest health by summarizing the information of several indicator accounts, each representing a different aspect of the forest conditions. The indicators composing the index aim to represent comprehensively all the components of ecosystems (abiotic, biotic and landscape). The index is usually composed of a single indicator for each Ecosystem Typology Class (ETC), since the variables belonging to the same ETC are usually highly correlated. The indicators are selected considering their relevance, their direct relationship to forest conditions and the availability of data for their measurement.

    Specifically, the Forest Condition Index published in Nature Communications considers:

    • the Net Difference Water Index,
    • Soil Organic Carbon,
    • Threatened forest bird species diversity,
    • Tree cover density ,
    • Net Difference Vegetation Index (Forest productivity),
    • Forest connectivity and
    • Landscape naturalness.  

    To obtain a unique assessment of the forest condition, the index uses the weighted average of indicator accounts. The weights for indicator accounts are assigned based on their capacity to represent the ecosystem structure (intrinsic relevance), the ecosystem services provided (instrumental relevance), the changes in forest condition derived from external factors (directionality meaning) and the anthropogenic repercussion (sensibility to human influence) as well as on their adequacy to the SEEA EA framework (framework adequacy). Indicators are ranked between 1 (lowest position) and 7 (highest position) for five conceptual criteria proposed to select ecosystem condition variables (SEEAEAWhiteCover2021, CzuczEtAl2021  . Better positioned indicators have a larger weight in the index, and the relative sum of the indicator positions results in their index weight. Positions and weights attributed to indicator accounts are detailed in the table below, which corresponds to Maes et al. figures (Supplementary Table 9).

    ETC class


    Intrinsic relevance
    Instrumental relevance
    Directional meaning
    Sensibility to human influence
    Framework conformity  


    Final Weight 

    1A1Net Difference Water Index14123110.082A2Soil Organic Carbon35315170.123B1Threatened Forest Bird Species Diversity73777310.224B2Tree Cover Density66566290.215B3Net Difference Vegetation Index27234180.346C1Forest Connectivity52452180.137C1Landscape Naturalness41641160.11Total2828282828140


    The formulation of the resulting Forest Condition Index is the following:
    Forest Condition Index = 
    (NDWI x 0.08) + (SOC x 0.12) + (TBFSD x 0.22) + (TCD x 0.21) + (NDVI x 0.13) + (FC x 0.13) + (LN x 0.11)
    For areas where Soil Organic Carbon is missing, because of dataset coverage, the index is calculated by redistributing the weights:
    Forest Condition Index = 
    (NDWI x 0.10) + (TBFSD x 0.26) + (TCD x 0.23) + (NDVI x 0.15) + (FC x 0.14) + (LN x 0.12)

    Compile the accounts in the k.Explorer

    To trigger the computation of an output in a specific area, for a specific period of time, the user should first select context has been set, the user simply checks the box of the condition metrics (raw variables, indicators or index) or the ecosystem service to compute their results.

    When the knowledge bar turn yellow and the elephant's ball spins, the system is computing the information queried.

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    There are several sections to organize the access to the different information made available in the application:
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    The first 4 sections were specifically developed for the People EA project, and will be the main focus of this guide.
    When the 3 dots are displayed horizontally, it means that the options in the menu are hidden Image Removed

    By clicking on the 3 dots they get disposed vertically Image Removed and a drop-down menu lists the options available.

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    The main output of an observation can be a table Image Removed, or a map Image Removed

    Before computing any of these results, the guide provides the theoretical background followed to obtain these output in the previous section, so users are invited to carefully read that documentation in order to be able to select the options of calculations available in the app, as well as to interpret correctly their results.

    Users can observe:

    Forest Condition Indexes

    the first option is to compile the Forest Condition Index to estimate the overall condition based on a set of experts-defined weighted and selected indicators
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    The symbols next to the Indexes define the output produced as result of that computation, while the fist Condition Index produces maps and a table, the other two indexes produce maps, and can be compared to show how conditions estimate differ when using diverse methodologies.
    titleObtain summary tables for the indicators and variables
    This option only triggers the computation of the table of the Forest Condition Index, so while indicators and variable involved in the computation are calculated, their results are not summarized in tables.

    Forest Condition Variable (raw values)

    within the section of the Condition metrics, the value of the Raw variables to compile the Variable Forest Ecosystem Condition Account(s),
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    Forest Condition Indicators

    switch to the Indicators option, to compile the Forest Condition Indicators Account(s),
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    High resolution Forest Condition Variable

    These variables are placed in another section to differentiate them from the other raw variables.
    High resolution observation should only be done over small context defined as testing areas in the project.
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    This is due to the computational cost and time associated to these observations, which is much higher.

    The selection of one of these options triggers the model(s) underlying the output(s) selected, in case more ecological metrics are selected, the computational flow is continuous. When the whole workflow to compute one metric is completed, the system moves to the next tasks in the queue of computation. The models to be computed follow the order of selection of the user.

    Most of the metrics are modeled from different datasets, so time of computation should be similar, but in case an account shares inputs used in a previous computation, those are not re-calculated, thus one should expect the additional output(s) to be computed faster.

    Soil Retention Ecosystem Service

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    As a demonstration of the interoperability between ARIES and OpenEO systems, the Soil erosion model can be computed in two different ways:using the dynamic C-Factor from Open EO → select the OpenEO Cover Management and only after select the Sediment Regulation model:
    select the OpenEO Cover Management
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    Once obtained the Cover Management, call the Sediment Regulation model
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    Once obtained the Cover Management, call the Sediment Regulation model
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    The breakdown of the results focuses on the contribution of the service by type of forest
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  • using the static information about the C-Factor → just select the Sediment Regulation model
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    In this case, the static C-Factor is used in the workflow
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    And the Soil Retention results are comparable but have a coarser resolution
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    The breakdown of the results focuses on the contribution of the service by type of forest
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  • A third option, is to compute the results using the SEEA EA methodology, accessible in the ARIES for SEEA accounting tables section
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    The output of the ES are the same
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     but the breakdown of the results focuses on the contribution of each Ecosystem Type
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    titleObservation are live digital twins

    Any observation done in ARIES happens on the fly, is not a predefined combination or workflow, of models and data. The system builds the most appropriate strategy to answer such question using the information available in the system, in the moment in which a query is made. This allows to a model to improve over time as new information is integrated in ARIES.

    ARIES  would usually look for the "best" available combination of data and models to estimate Soil retention. By selecting the input (C-Factor from OpenEO) and later the model to be computed, we steer the system to build an observation of Soil Retention using the Cover Management dataset previously selected. 
    titleWhy this OpenEO dataset is not picked automatically by ARIES (besides being more appropriate for this query)?

    A legitimate question, and the answer is that it would be prioritized if it was publicly available, because of the highest temporal and spatial resolution of the data.
    Nevertheless, the data is not chosen to build the strategy because only available to the Early Adopters.

    Results of the accounts

    Once the account is computed, the k.Explorer moves automatically from the Data view, to the Documentation section, showing the Table section (for more information on the different sections check this chapter of the guide)

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    The table can be copied or downloaded (click on the symbols at the right bottom of the table to export it)

    To explore the geospatial explicit information in the maps used to summarize the results in the table, go back to the View Data section:

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    Expand the View Tree to visualize all inputs, intermediate and final output
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    Select the map that you want to visualize
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    When the knowledge bar turn yellow and the elephant's ball spins, the system is computing the information queried.
    In this case, is loading the map

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    This can be visualized in the explorer or downloaded as a raster file (.tiff format) for further analyisis in a GIS system.

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    One can download a map by clicking on the arrow pointing down (↓) that appears when hovering over the observation ( an observation is any of the element observed in the workflow and listed in this menu)

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    This was the main output, but any input and intermediate output of a workflow can be observed by ticking their boxes.

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    The results for NDVI are shown below.

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    Notice how observations that changes over time in the context selected, have the symbol of a clock next to them, and at the bottom of the menu, you'll see a timeline, in a light blue color.
    In this example, as there are just two temporal observations, there is just one separator (small tick in yellow), dividing the 2 temporal observations (2015 and 2016). 

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    Selecting a different temporal observation, the map will change and the system displays the result for that year


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    2. Set the context of your analysis
    3. Forest ecosystem condition accounts
    4. How can accounts be compiled on the selected context?
    4.1 Extent Accounts
    4.2 Condition Accounts
    4.3 Service Accounts
    5. How to visualize and download the accounts, compare the results against other frameworks, as well as add new data and models
    6. Other quick tips

    ARIES for SEEA accounting tables

    Below the Forest Condition Index option, there is a section containing the results of the ARIES for SEEA application.

    Each account contains a drop-down menu (three horizontal dots), from which the user can select accounts to compile:

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    There is a dedicated guide to the use of the ARIES for SEEA application.

    Extent Accounts

    These accounts measure the extent of the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology ecosystem types, or land cover, present in the context of your analysis, in km2.
    The different types of accounts provide varying levels of detail in summarizing ecosystem/land cover extent and its change over the selected time period.
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    Condition Accounts

    These accounts measure ecosystem condition. Currently, only forest ecosystem condition accounts are supported, but condition accounts for other ecosystem types will be added soon (beginning with those for grasslands).
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    The conditions metrics available for inclusion in the account appear in a drop-down menu when the user clicks on the triangle next to "Forest condition metrics".
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    Three types of ecosystem condition accounts are available:
    1. Condition Variable Account: report the value of each condition metric in their originally observed values (non-transformed);
    2. Condition Indicator Account: rescale ecosystem condition variables to values between 0 and 1. Rescaling is calculated as the difference between the observed condition variable value and the optimal condition reference.
        By normalizing multiple condition variables, different indicators can be more directly compared;
    3. Condition Index Account: combines all indicators together using a weighted mean. Currently, all indicators take the same weight, summing to 1 (e.g., 0.25 when four condition metrics are selected). In future releases of ARIES for SEEA, users will be able to assign custom weights to the indicators to better reflect their local importance when accounting for ecosystem condition.
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    Ecosystem services account (physical terms)

    These accounts measure the biophysical quantities of services provided by ecosystems and used by economic units. Use tables are not explicitly supplied with the model outputs, but use is described in the automatically generated reports for the selected accounts. In the current version, four ecosystem services are available. A fifth one, Nature-based tourism, is in its final stages of development and will be made available in a future ARIES for SEEA release.
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    Ecosystem services account (monetary terms)

    These accounts measure the monetary value of the selected ecosystem services, applying SEEA EA-compliant valuation method(s). Use tables are not explicitly supplied with the model outputs, but use is described in the automatically generated reports for the selected accounts. In the current version, three ecosystem services are available. A fifth one, Nature-based tourism, is in its final stages of development and will be made available in a future ARIES for SEEA release.
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    Spatial and temporal aggregation

    The user can select how the results of the accounts are aggregated in accounting tables.
    Currently, only the first option is available. In future ARIES for SEEA releases, the user will be able to generate accounting tables as follows:
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  • "Primary only": a single table summarizing results for the entire context identified by the user;
  • Administrative subregions: multiple tables grouped by subnational jurisdictional entities (i.e., administrative level 1 - State, Province, or District);
  • Protected areas: multiple tables grouped for protected areas found in the analysis context;
  • River basins: multiple tables grouped results by watersheds found within the analysis context.
  • Temporal accounting

    When a multiple-year analysis is selected, the user can decide to output tables:
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    1. For the first and last years of the time series only, or
    2. For all years within the time period selected.
  • Key outputs and observations

    This section shows the most relevant spatial inputs and outputs in the account(s) run by the user
    (e.g., in the case of ecosystem extent, the most relevant outputs are land cover and ecosystem type data).

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    The last section stores all tables and maps produced in that session, so that the user can download them in a zipped file (of Excel spreadsheets or GeoTIFFs) before leaving the application.
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    In the upper left corner of the application, there is a section dedicated to SEEA-relevant indicators.

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    This section includes selected indicators from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Convention on Biology Diversity (CBD) Post-2020 Biodiversity Indicators, which have been added to the application.

    Once it is opened, a drop-down menu shows the list of available indicators. 

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    Those selected by the user are added in the ARIES for SEEA panel as if they were an additional standard SEEA EA account
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    Quick tips

    Set your context (e.g., Cape Town in South Africa). Suggested way:
  • Zoom and pan using the Map boundaries option:
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  • Make sure the screen contains your target context:
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  • Once the screen contains the area of interest, switch to Administrative region:
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  • If the whole administrative region does not fit the screen, a locator map in the lower-right corner of the interface
    will show the entire context as currently selected:
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  • Refine your search further (zooming in/out) to make sure the desired region is selected.
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  • Note: the region automatically selected is not always the most central, but part of the screen occupying the largest area:
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  • The name of the geographic entity is displayed on the upper left side of the application.
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  • When the gear starts spinning, the system is computing the model(s) requested by the user:
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  • To offer the best visualization of the context in analysis, the search bar/results box can be positioned where the user prefers.
    To do so, point the cursor over the search bar, and once this symbol Image Removed appears, drag it to a preferred location.
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    Explore results and methods used to run your accounting models

    Aspects of the user interface change once you begin to run an accounting model:

    Run an accounting model (e.g., ecosystem extent account - simple net balance).
  • Once the extent account is selected, the search bar will turn yellow.
    A rotating gear will appear next to the selected account(s), which indicates that the model is being compiled.
    When a model input or intermediate output has been computed, it is listed and can be explored individually, by selecting the specific layer (e.g., aridity):
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  • When a main output of the model is computed, this is listed (in the darker section) above the other inputs/intermediate output:
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  • If the model is dynamic (i.e., is calculated for >1 year), the progress bar at the bottom of the search bar/results box progresses as the computation continues:
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    In the right-upper corner of the app, three tabs are now available:
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  • Data view (always available)
  • Documentation view 
  • Data flow view
    In our example, the application automatically takes the user to the section showing the accounting result(s).
    This happens every time a final outcome is generated:
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    To review other sections of the documentation:
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  • The report
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  • The tree menu on the left facilitates navigation. Each report includes:
    1. A general introduction to the model(s);
    2. Information on the SEEA framework or any other more general modeling frameworks (when part of a larger set of models);
    3. The methods applied;
    4. A summary of the main results;
    5. Caveats or other considerations in interpreting model results, as part of the discussion; and
    6. Reference(s) for data and method(s) used.
  • Tabular results

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    To ease the observation of the results:
  • The first column is visible while scrolling to the right,
  • Results can be sorted by the element in the first column, or by ascending and descending order of the result of any column,
  • Text size can be adjusted using the buttons in the upper right (with yellow circles).

    Image(s) section

    Figure(s) and (maps) generated during the computation are listed in this section and can be explored individually.
    If results come from multi-year models, the maps are interactive and show changes over time.
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    Resources section
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    Lists all the resources used in the computations, to provide full-transparency on the final output.
    Each of the data resource can be explored individually
    Dataflow section: shows a list containing a visual summary of each model component and how these were combined to obtain the final results. In the next version of ARIES for SEEA, this section will also report the decisions taken by the system on:
  • Which combination of data and models was implemented,
  • Which data and model alternatives could have been used instead and,
  • The AI parameters used to support the choices made.
  • The third tab available once a model has run is the Dataflow view

    This shows a diagram that visually summarize each model component and how those were combined to obtain the final result(s). Clicking on an individual rectangle provides details about the dataset, algorithm, etc. used at each step of the model.Image Removed                      
  • Other ARIES features

    While most of the functions needed to compile SEEA accounts are available through ARIES for SEEA interface, the normal functionalities of the ARIES Explorer remain available through the search bar.
    This sections shows how to query them.

    Search the knowledge bar (1)

    This box is used to call models, select your context, modify default settings, and show the help page.
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    Query an observable from the space bar (A):
    Please note: unlike the search bar in the ARIES for SEEA application, the general ARIES Explorer search bar is case-sensitive.
    Press the space bar on the empty box to receive suggestions.
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    Start with an upper-case letter to search for a geographical context (invalid if you have already set a context).
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    Start with a lower-case letter to search for an observation (e.g., elevation),
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    Option (iii) enables users to compute a model available in the ARIES Explorer environment and appropriate for the SEEA framework, but which is not contained as an option in the application.
    This option can be used to explore a wide range of different models (termed observables), which can refer to model inputs or outputs. 
  • Other settings/options/help (B)
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  • Context:

    1. Reset a previously used context
    2. Draw a new context (using your cursor)
  • Space and time:
    1. Adjust the spatial and/or temporal resolution of your analysis
  • Options
    1. Activate the interactive mode to add manually add input to the model (adjusting parameter values)
  • Settings
    1. Remember location (remember the last context selected)
    2. Remember docked status
  • HelpShow the help tutorial
    New option to show the coordinates of your cursor (they change as you move it around)
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    Zoom (2)

    Zoom in (by clicking on the (plus)) and out ((minus)). This can be useful when selecting your context using map boundaries (entire rectangle shown in the interface) or administrative regions or river basins, which change as a user zooms and pans the map.

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    Background map (3)

    Select the background map you prefer. By default, ARIES uses OpenStreetMap as it currently offers the best user experience even at higher resolutions.
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    The user can switch to other available background maps as desired.