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The ARIES for PEOPLE-EA Explorer is a web-based application built on the k.LAB Integrated Modelling Platform (https://klab.integratedmodelling.org/) powering ARIES (https://aries.integratedmodelling.org/) and ARIES for SEEA (https://seea.un.org/content/aries-for-seea).
This application has access to all information (data and models) available on the Integrated Modelling network, and provides a dedicated user interface to allow rapid calculation of selected ecosystem accounts driven by Earth Observation products.
The PEOPLE-EA project is funded by the European Space Agency (https://esa-people-ea.org/en) and this web application is the result of the collaboration between the ARIES team (BC3 - https://www.bc3research.org/) and the VITO team (https://remotesensing.vito.be), building and maintaining the opeEO (open Earth Observations - https://openeo.cloud/) platform.