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In this analysis, being forests the main objective of this study, the conditions of forests are disaggregated into the classes of forests obtained by combining the information described in this chapter of the guide.


  1. Broad-leave forest (311) -
  2. Coniferous forest (312) -
  3. Mixed forest (313) -
  4. Transitional woodland & shrub (324) -

Bioregion zones

Such categories of forest were also combined with the information on the European bioregion zones, used to define 11 bioregions over:


The Scandinavian Alpine zone was differentiated from the rest of the Alpine bioregion for its characteristics and covers the forest in the Scandinavian mountains on the border between Norway and Sweden.

The combination of landcover forests and bioregions results in 44 forest types, following the definition of Maes, J., Bruzón, A.G., Barredo, J.I. et al. Accounting for forest conditions in Europe based on an international statistical standard. Nat Commun 14, 3723 (2023).-

The following datasets were used to obtain this information:

Forest ecosystem condition variables


Ecosystem Typology GroupEcosystem Typology ClassTypology class descriptionVariableVariable description and link to dataset or DOI Spatial ResolutionSpatial ExtentTemporal resolution/ coverage 

A. Abiotic ecosystem characteristics

A.1 Physical state

Physical descriptors of the abiotic components of the ecosystem (e.g. Soil structure, impervious surface, water availability)

A1.1 Normalized Difference Water Index

GEE Landsat 8 Collection 1 Tier 1 32-Day NDWI Composite

These Landsat 8 Collection 1 Tier 1 composites are made from Tier 1 orthorectified scenes, using the computed top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance. See Chander et al. (2009) for details on the TOA computation.
The Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) is sensitive to changes in liquid water content of vegetation canopies. It is derived from the Near-IR band and a second IR band, ≈1.24μm when available and the nearest available IR band otherwise. It ranges in value from -1.0 to 1.0. See Gao (1996) for details.
These composites are created from all the scenes in each 32-day period beginning from the first day of the year and continuing to the 352nd day of the year. The last composite of the year, beginning on day 353, will overlap the first composite of the following year by 20 days. All the images from each 32-day period are included in the composite, with the most recent pixel as the composite value.

A.2 Chemical state

Chemical composition of the abiotic ecosystem compartments (e.g. Soil nutrient concentration, air and water quality)

A2.1 Soil Organic Carbon

2003 OCTOP: Topsoil Organic Carbon Content for Europe - Organic carbon content in the first 30 cm of soil


2014 LUCAS: Topsoil Soil Organic Carbon (LUCAS) for EU25 - Organic carbon content in the first 30 cm of soil


B. Biotic ecosystem characteristics

B.1 Compositional state

Composition/diversity of the ecological communities at a given location and time (e.g. Presence/abundance of key species, species richness, genetic diversity, presence of threatened species, diversity/abundance of relevant species groups)

B1.1 Threatened Forest Bird Species Diversity
Population trend of bird species: datasets from Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC reporting (2008-2012)5km?Europe2000 and 2008
B.2 Structural state

Aggregate properties (e.g. mass, density) of the whole ecosystem or its main biotic components (e.g. Total biomass, canopy coverage, annual maximum NDVI, Vegetation density, habitat structure, food chain and trophic levels)

B2.1 Above-ground biomass
ESA’s Climate Change Initiative Biomass

ESA’s Climate Change Initiative Biomass project provides global maps of above-ground biomass (Mg ha-1), with these being capable of supporting quantification of biomass change.

100mGlobal2010, 2017-2020
B2.2 Leaf Area Index
Copernicus leaf area index

The LAI quantifies the thickness of the vegetation cover and it's recognized as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS).

300mGlobal2014 to present
1kmGlobal1999 to present
B2.3 Tree cover density
Copernicus HRL tree cover density layer

It offers high-resolution information on the percentage of tree cover in a given area
100mEurope2012, 2015, 2018
B.3 Functional state

Summary statistics (e.g. frequency, intensity) of the biological, chemical, and physical interactions between the main ecosystem compartments (e.g. Primary productivity, community age, distribution frequency, decomposition processes)

B3.1 Net Primary Production

Dry Matter Productivity and Net Primary Production

The ecosystem Net Primary Production (NPP) represents the net growth rate of the vegetation(excluding autotrophic respiration), expressed in kilograms of production per hectare per day (gC/m²/day). It is a proportion of Gross Primary Production and it's directly related to ecosystem Dry Matter Productivity, expressed in kgNPP/ha/day.

300mGlobal2014 to 2020
1kmGlobal1999 to 2020
B3.2 Fraction of Photosynthetically active radiation

The FPAR (Fraction of Photosynthetically active radiation) quantifies the fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by live leaves for photosynthesis activity. Then, it refers only to the green and alive elements of the canopy. The FAPAR depends on the canopy structure, vegetation element optical properties, atmospheric conditions, and angular configuration. To overcome this latter dependency, a daily integrated FAPAR value is assessed. 

B3.3 Burned severity

MOSEV: A global burn severity database from MODIS (2000-2020)

MOSEV data

Global Patterns and Dynamics of Burned Area and Burn Severity (developed from MOSEV data)

The variable is a result of the reprocessing of the relativized version of the Normalized Burn Ratio (RdNBR) spectral index. The 8-daily values 
of the original dataset, RdNBR, were converted into a burn severity category (non-burnt, low, moderate-low, moderate-high, high) and annualized by selecting the most represented category over the period observed.

B3.4 Drought Severity

Self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (scPDSI): The scPDSI metric was introduced by Wells et al. (2004), who gave detailed information about its calculation. The scPDSI is a variant of the original PDSI of Palmer (1965), with the aim to make results from different climate regimes more comparable. As with the PDSI, the scPDSI is calculated from a time series of precipitation and temperature, together with fixed parameters related to the soil/surface characteristics at each location.

0,5 degreeGlobalAnnual / 1998 to 2018 
B3.4 Drought Severity (2nd variable - alternative)

Combined drought indicator (v3) - A combination of spatial patterns of precipitation, soil moisture, and greenness vegetation anomalies, the CDI identifies areas at risk of agricultural drought. 

dataset viewer

dataset download. 2012 - 2023


5 km Europe10 day observations
B3.5 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is an indicator of the greenness of the biomes.

300mGlobal3 day observations
2020 to present
1kmGlobal3 day observations
1998  to 2020

B3.6 Green index

Might be added later in the project---

B3.7 Fire occurrence

Might be added later in the project---

C. Landscape level characteristics

C.1 Landscape and seascape at coarse scale

Metrics describing mosaics of ecosystem types at coarse (such as landscape and seascape) spatial scale (e.g. Landscape diversity, connectivity, fragmentation, ecosystem type mosaics)

C1.1 Forest Connectivity

Generated using GUIDOS toolbox and Corine landcover daatset - Methodology

100mEurope2000, 2006, 2012, 2018
C1.2 Landscape Naturalness

Generated using GUIDOS toolbox and Corine landcover daatset - Methodology

100mEurope2000, 2006, 2012, 2018
C1.1 Forest Fragmentation

Relative Magnitude of Fragmentation (RMF)

Data: netCDF (12.57GB)

Global remote-sensing data product (i.e. the 27-year annual ESA CCI land cover maps which can be categorized as an EBV ‘Ecosystem Distribution’)

300mGlobalAnnual 1992-2020


There are two methodologies adopted to define the Condition Index Accounts, both follows follow the theoretical framework developed in the scientific publication publication Maes, J., Bruzón, A.G., Barredo, J.I. et al. Accounting for forest conditions condition in Europe based on an international statistical standard. Nat Commun 14, 3723 (2023), here in after referred to as the Nature Communication method. The differences in their implementation (and their reasons) are fully documented in this guide.


  • being primary forest, alias forests where the signs of human impacts, if any, are strongly blurred due to decades without forest management or
  • being protected areas (form from before the year 2000) and highly tree-covered throughout the time series (areas with a tree-covered density loss equal to or higher than 5% are excluded).


Results are obtained by combining the following inputs by using, as consistently as possible, the year 2000 as the reference year, except for the information on the Tree-cover density, whose earliest observation is in the year 2012.


  • the polygons of primary forests,
  • the points of primary forests and buffer to 200m radius.

Primary forests forest extents match roughly with the Maes et al. figures (Supplementary Table 8)


Protected Area in the PeopleEA approach:

The Protected Areas that have been protected areas from before the year 2000 and which don't exhibit tree-cover loss higher than 5% were considered for this analysis.
The c
ategories of protected areas considered were:

  1. Strict nature reserves Nature Reserves 1a,
  2. Wilderness or wildlands 1b, and
  3.  National parks 2.

In the Maes approach, depending on the bioregion analysed, different categories of Protected Areas were selected.
The selection of the Categories 1a, 1b & 2 was the combination that matched more closely the Maes et al. figures (Supplementary Table 8)

Healthy reference areas roughly match, but there are significant differences (>5%) for some European forest categories.
The deviations by forest type and by bioregion are detailed in the tables above (ATBD and Maes et al. 2023 Supplementary tables).

Reference values: upper and lower thresholds


  • Spatial Resolution describes the size of the smallest feature that can be detected by a satellite sensor or displayed in a satellite image. It is usually presented as a single value representing the length of one side of a square,
  • Temporal resolution refers to the total amount of years in the dataset,
  • Temporal frequency considers the availability of temporal observation over the same period. While all variable variables are annualized, annual averages obtained from highly frequent observation are more accurate and thus considered better input overall.
  • Dataset quality represents the proximity of the first and latest year in the dataset, respectively, to the to reference year (2000) and to the present.
  • When variables are ranked the same in one criterion, they are assigned the average of the positions they would represent. For example, if there are three variables which should be ranked 7, they will be assigned 6 since it is the average of the positions these variables represent (5, 6 and 7).

Indicators weighted using


an arithmetic average (PeopleEA index)

Overall condition index = 
(Net Difference Water Index x 0.24) + (Soil Organic Carbon x 0.05) + (Threatened Forest Bird Species Diversity x 0.08)+
(Above-ground Biomass x 0.15) + (Net Primary Production x 0.19) + (Burned severity x 0.17) + (Forest Connectivity x 0.12)

Indicators weighted using a


geometric average (Euclidean distance)

The formulation of the resulting Forest Condition Index is the following:
Forest Condition Index = sqrt(
(NDWI^2 x 0.27) + (SOC^2 x 0.07) + (TBFSD^2 x 0.10) + (AGB^2 x 0.18) + (NPP^2 x 0.22) + (FC^2 x 0.16) )
For areas where Soil Organic Carbon is missing, because of dataset coverage, the index is calculated by redistributing the weights:
Forest Condition Index = sqrt(
(NDWI^2 x 0.31) + (TBFSD^2 x 0.11) + (AGB^2 x 0.19) + (NPP^2 x 0.24) + (FC^2 x 0.15) )


  • the Net Difference Water Index,
  • Soil Organic Carbon,
  • Threatened forest bird species diversity,
  • Tree cover density (Canopy cover),
  • Net Difference Vegetation Index (Forest productivity),
  • Forest connectivity and
  • Landscape naturalness.  

To obtain a unique assessment of the forest condition, the index uses the weighted average of indicator accounts. The weights for indicator accounts are assigned based on their capacity to represent the ecosystem structure (intrinsic relevance), the ecosystem services provided (instrumental relevance), the changes in forest condition derived from external factors (directionality meaning) and the anthropogenic repercussion (sensibility to human influence) as well as on their adequacy to the SEEA EA framework (framework adequacy). Indicators are ranked between 1 (lowest position) and 7 (highest position) for five conceptual criteria proposed to select ecosystem condition variables (SEEAEAWhiteCover2021, CzuczEtAl2021  . Better positioned indicators have a larger weight in the index, and the relative sum of the indicator positions results in their index weight. Positions and weights attributed to indicator accounts are detailed in the table below, which corresponds to Maes et al. figures (Supplementary Table 9).
